There isn't too much that businesses won't do today to ensure that they keep their head above water during these troubled economic times. Traditionally businesses look for ways to trim the fat all the time, even in the best of economic times and while in years past layoffs and cutbacks were the first thing that companies looked at, one of the first things that companies look at these days is cutting the costs of the technology that they use. This is no easy task mind you as businesses often run into snags when they realize that the majority of technology they use is essential and can't be eliminated. This is especially true of communication, storage, and networking technologies.
What many computer support and technology firms have started offering in light of these difficult times are services that don't eliminate technology but instead provide businesses with an alternative to the technology that they're currently using. Additionally many of these services employ state-of-the-art or the latest and greatest versions of the technologies businesses find most useful and necessary. Moreover these technologies and services are available at a fraction of the price that upgrades to a business's current technology are available at. A really good example of an alternative and money-saving service is hosted exchange services.
Hosted exchange services allow a company to remove in-soc 2 compliance servers and place data storage responsibility as well as interoffice communication responsibilities on a company that's built specifically to handle those things. These types of services are designed not just to save businesses money by time, but the headaches associated with managing and paying someone to manage all that technology in-house. Not only does removing these things from the office save money and time but all of the problems associated with those technologies too. When there are problems with the technology it will no longer cost a business anything to fix them.
Smart businesses and business owners will immediately recognize the value of services like hosted exchange and adapt them or integrate them into their business model in order to trim their budget and stay afloat. The majority of cloud type services are extremely affordable and should never be overlooked by any business large or small.
So next time you are thinking about trimming the fat or cutting the budget for your business remember the services that are important and help your business function better, help you make money and offer cheaper alternatives.