The Blurite Dragon: The monster is level 205, the highest f2p monster. Its highest reach with mellee is 20. It will never drift off the ice lake and has the following effects. In case you stand of this ice lake with over 30kg of items which you risk decreasing in. Should you drop in OSRS gold the lake you just take 10 damage and take 5 seconds to swim into the side. You then appear at the side of the lake.
The dragon doesn't breath ordinary fire, it instead breaths ice. This is a magical attack that may hit up to 30. Even if no damage is caused the ice breath still holds you in place for 3 seconds. The dragon could stamp its feet, this cracks the ice but does greater harm to the roofing, boulders rain down on every player as a range attack inducing up to 15 damage. The dragon is very weak against fire attacks. So its a hard monster for f2p, should not offer to much trouble for p2p.
These things are introduced for a few reasons: They're unlikely to be employed by members. They're desinged to balance the f2p combat triangle. Staff allows mages hold competitions easier, and put on a small attack increase against rangers. Additionally a small damage boost, but less likely to strike. Warhammer should cope with tanks and deliver a little bit of p2p excitment of buy RS gold killing people a little more quickly... Mantle has reduced defences but provides a higher range attack letting rangers reach greater.