There are a few things that Lost Ark Gold you should complete prior to using knowledge transfer. Knowledge Transfer: You must complete the main quest of the continent you're on with one character. The character must be at the maximum level. Get access to The Island Stronghold, and complete the quest to gain access into the training zone.
After you've completed these three actions, the Knowledge Transfers will be accessible for you to use. Take note that when you use transfers on an alternate account, you will be able to play that character. You must however be patient for 8 hours before you return to the training room in the Stronghold for the reward.
The character will be taken to a learning area in which the player reads from a text that will complete the transfer. Afterward, you will receive all of the experience points earned through the main story quests in the continent you transferred them to, as well as all necessary items for completing that quest.
There is an Auction House in Lost Ark. Auction House in Lost Ark is the marketplace for players in which players can offer different items they have up for sale or trade while buying various kinds of equipment and other consumables that other players offer for sale. This guide will outline everything to know about Auction House in Lost Ark.
As described in the introduction The Auction House is an in-game feature that lets players sell, trade, and buy items, equipment, and other consumables. Within the Auction House marketplace every transaction is made with that Gold currency, as the silver currency can only be used for lost ark cheap gold transactions made using NPCs.