If you answer yes, all your armor is protected by your RS gold god of choice. All potions and weapons are also protected. Bandos will provide you with the largest hammer available, Saradomin will provide you with a spear, Guthix will give you a spiked sword (it's placed in the weapon's hand, and like the defense cape emote it has a shield that is small) as well as Armadyl will grant you an axe. There is no advantage for one weapon over the other. whichever one you pick, along with your demon blade (if you created it yourself) are your only weapons you can use. It is possible to win this battle by praying.
Zamorak's magical attack involves striking you with two fists on fire. Each fist does 40-60 damage. However, the protect from magic prayer can deter the effect. The melee attacks are the most common. They include: slamming his fist on you, pulling out a sword and striking the victim with it, or stomping on you, then hitting you with his Hammer. Beware of cheap RuneScape gold melee attacks, as they block these.