Choosing the right flight sock size requires a little more consideration when compared to choosing a normal sock. It is important to pick the right sock size, because if it is too large or too small, the benefits from having the flight sock in the first place may be compromised.
This simple guide will help you to choose the right sock size, so you wont compromise your safety during travel. The first step to choosing the right size sock is to check your shoe size. This is the easiest part because it is typically the same process you use to choosing your sports or business socks.
The sizing of socks is based on a shoe size range, so if your shoe size is 11, then you will want to look at the shoe size range that fits 11. In most instances it will be the sock size 10-12. The reason most sock manufacturers create socks to fit a wide range is because a sock can stretch, unlike your standard shoe which cannot - unless your shoe happens to be made of stretchy rubber or fabric.
Now that you have the sock range, you now have to ensure you have the right compression - this part is crucial, but under most circumstances, you should be fine. The custom socks wholesale in flight socks can vary from as low as 6 mmHg all the way up to 16mmHg. However, flight socks are made using 'gradual compression', which basically means that the sock will have the most compression at the ankle, then gradually ease in compression at the calf end of the sock.
So if you are looking at flight socks and you see a compression of 8-16mmHg that means the sock will have a compression of 16mmHg at the ankle, then gradually decrease to 8 mmHg at the calf. Now that you understand what the rang of gradual compression is for, you may be wondering 'well, which one is best for me?'
If you are choosing a flight sock off the shelf than you can expect a good flight sock compression to be between 8-16mmHg. 16mmH g is the most compression allowed within a non-medical sock. So if you required something with a little more compression, you would definitely need to seek professional aid in acquiring that type of sock.
Now that you know how to choose your sock size and you have a better understanding at choosing the sock with the correct gradual compression, it's time to go out there and purchase a pair. Preferably before you arrive at the airport, that way you can be certain to reduce your risk of Deep Vein Thrombosis.